Dušan Simić

Open source developer and hacker.

Who am I

I’m a software developer, hacker, maker, open-sourcer and gamer by night. By day just a regular high school student. Most of my free time I spend exploring new technologies and working with people who have similar interest as I do. I also like talking about society, today's problems and how to fix them. When I’m not doing one of those things, I’ll probably be gaming, watching some movies/series and/or enjoying craft beer.

My work

Almost everything i work on is online on my GitHub page and it’s open source mostly under MIT license so everyone can either help themselves out or help me out. I do this because I think work that cannot bring profit to me or I don’t need profit from should be open and free to mess with and learn from.

Current pinned projects

Here are some of my projects that I’m most focused on now.

Where am I   ␥   Contact

If you’re looking for me you can always get to me over Twitter, Instagram, Email and LinkedIn (only for work) since I don’t turn off mobile data. IRL I’m in Novi Sad, Serbia.